
Bored Hockey Fan Fantasy League

Welcome to the Bored Hockey Fan Fantasy League, brought to you by Yahoo! Sports. The first week of matchups are now over, so here is a summary of what happened:

Thanks to the combined 36 points scored by San Jose trio Joe Thornton, Patrick Marleau and Joe Pavelski. DarkSideOfTheMoen defeated St. Mucus Ooze by a total of 8-3-2.
Even though @GoftheInternet was beaten in points by Hamilton Tigers, @GoftheInternet still managed a 9-2-2 victory thanks to Goalies Craig Anderson, Tuukka Rask and Jaroslav Halak.
It’s The Flying V! only lost in PIM in their 11-1-1 demolition of FistCity CaPs.
Powers Rangers got 25 points from the Powerplay in an 8-4-1 victory over the Quebec Nordiques.
Legs got a massive 102 PIM in an 8-3-3 defeat of GreatNessPerSonified.

After the first week of matchups, this is what the table looks like:

Rank Team W-L-T Pct Pts Last Week Waiver Moves
1. It’s the Flying V! 11-1-1 .885 23 11-1-1 4 1
2. @GoftheInternet 9-2-2 .769 20 9-2-2 5
3. DarkSideOfTheMoen 8-3-2 .692 18 8-3-2 8 11
4. Legs 8-3-2 .692 18 8-3-2 2
5. Powers Rangers 8-4-1 .654 17 8-4-1 6 1
6. Quebec Nordiques 4-8-1 .346 9 4-8-1 1 1
7. St. Mucus Ooze 3-8-2 .308 8 3-8-2 9 2
8. GreatNessPerSonified 3-8-2 .308 8 3-8-2 7
9. Hamilton Tigers 2-9-2 .231 6 2-9-2 10 4
10. FistCity CaPs 1-11-1 .115 3 1-11-1 3

This week’s matchups:

DarkSideOfTheMoen vs. Legs
@GoftheInternet vs. It’s The Flying V!
St. Mucus Ooze vs. Hamilton Tigers
Powers Rangers vs. FistCity CaPs
GreatNessPerSonified vs. Quebec Nordiques


The Bored Hockey Fan Fantasy Draft Analysis

The BHF fantasy draft over at Yahoo! fantasy is done and dusted. In fact, if you scroll down, you’ll find the results in a recent column.

I asked everyone who entered the draft, if they had any opinion on how the draft went down. If they were happy with their picks. What they thought of the draft in general? Why did they choose certain players? Here are the thoughts of those who chose to make them.

(Team Name-Owner-Thoughts)

Legs – J

As one who has barely even been a casual fan, I figured that I’d be going into this with a severe disadvantage.As such, I decided to further my handicap myself by oversleeping the draft. I was, however, able to pop in for two picks. Brad Richards, and Carey Price.
Richards was mostly a ‘Her, I know that guy’s name’ pick, and I have a soft spot for the Canadiens, so I took their goalie.
Outside of that, I’m pretty okay with the autodraft. I’m a Blackhawks fan, so I’m happy to get Keith. I know he had an off last year, so I’m hoping for a rebound.
Even in my limited knowledge, I know Rinne is awesome. So, along those lines, I’m very happy with my Goaltending.

I’m looking forward to the season.

It’s The Flying V – ArmchairMVP

My first 6 forwards have multi-position eligibility. I like having that flexibility.

St. Mucus Ooze – ThinkSoJoe

I don’t want to analyze my picks.  It was all downhill after you (ThatDamnDoubleC) took Malkin first, lol
I took Byfuglien a second straight year.  Being listed as a forward and defenseman comes in handy.
I wound up taking Semin in round 16, wanted a multi-position player.
I grabbed Shattenkirk and Del Zotto each for their +/- rating.  I got burned on those last year.
I’m telling you, career year coming up from that kid (on drafting Derek Roy)

@GoftheInternet – GoftheInternet

I hope Ott plays nice and dirty on the Sabres for me.  Need the PIMs
Ugghh…. he’s like the DiPietro of skaters, but I am still taking him (on drafting Marian Gaborik)

DarkSideOfTheMoen – ThatDamnDoubleC

Malkin playing two positions made it easy in the end (on choosing who went first overall)
Having the first overall pick does have it’s perks. I mean, I’m able to have someone with the point grabbing ability of Evgeni Malkin in my team, as well as using my second pick to draft the best defensemen in Erik Karlsson. But other than that, it’s pretty much the same players I usually go for. Howard and Lehtonen in net, Thornton, Pavelski and Marleau from San Jose. Jamie Benn is another guy I usually go for, and it was a bit silly of me to draft him in, when as of this moment, he is yet to re-sign with the Dallas Stars (and has since been replaced by fellow Star Jaromir Jagr). I did manage to draft Henrik Zetterberg and Niklas Kronwall from Detroit though, which surprised me that I was able to nab them both.

What really hurts though is that due to having the first overall pick, I am now the last option to receive waived players. I like to chop and change the lineup a lot, and in the end, the difference could be the player I tried to sign off waivers, but because I am last in whether or not I want a specific waived player, I could very well lose that chance if someone else has the same mindset.

Follow yours truly on Twitter @ThatDamnDoubleC. I suppose you’d better follow our wrestling site Bored Wrestling Fan @BrdWrstlngFn as well. Also, don’t forget to vote in the Ultimate Hockey Fighter Tournament on this very page! Just scroll down to find the latest matchup.


The Bored Hockey Fan Fantasy Draft Spectacular Event Festival

Welcome to the Bored Hockey Fan Fantasy Draft Spectacular. This season, Bored Hockey Fan celebrates it’s debut season, by competing in a ten-team Fantasy League over at Yahoo! Fantasy, between it’s columnists, and it’s fans.

The draft order went as follows:
(Draft Order-Team Name-Owner)

1: DarkSideOfTheMoen – ThatDamnDoubleC
2. St. Mucus Ooze – ThinkSoJoe
3. GreatNessPerSonified – GreatNessPerSonified
4. PowersRangers – Powers Rangers
5. @GoftheInternet – GoftheInternet
6. It’s The Flying V – ArmchairMVP
7. Hamilton Tigers – Al Creed
8. FistCity CaPs – Mackey Man
9. Legs – J
10. Quebec Nordiques – Patrick Roy

To view how thew draft went down, then continue on over the jump..


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Why The Lockout Was A Good Thing

It was. I assure you. I know it may not seem like it, and that people predict it will kill hockey in the United States. But, the lockout may not have benefited the NHL as much as a full season may have, the lockout allowed players to play elsewhere. Where else would Joe Thornton, Patrick Kane and Loui Eriksson play in the same team, if it wasn’t for the lockout? Speaking of which, here is just a small example of where the lockout was actually beneficial.


The Spengler Cup is an invitational tournament played in Davos, Switzerland every year, and normally contains European hockey powerhouses, and Team Canada, which is mostly made up of European-based Canadians. However, this year’s edition of the Spengler Cup was a little different. For starters, Team Canada was stacked this year. The biggest name competing for Team Canada in 2011 was former NHL Goaltender Marty Turco, with only three other players currently playing outside of Europe. However, thanks to the NHL Lockout, Team Canada was able to select from those locked out, then playing for teams in Europe, as well as the four outside Europe selections. It wasn’t just Team Canada that benefited, with other teams competing in the Spengler Cup, being able to include NHL-based stars playing in Europe as well, allowing for stronger lineups, and including names familiar to the viewing public, due to them playing in the National Hockey League pre-lockout.


Ah yes, the World Juniors. Where the brightest and best up-and-coming stars of the world of hockey come together to compete for their country, usually made up of the best young prospects that will be the names called out in the next NHL draft. This season was different however, this season, the NHL was locked out. Which meant that the best juniors currently applying their trade for an NHL team could compete for their country if they so chose to, allowing the likes of Ryan Nugent-Hopkins to be available for Team Canada, and Nail Yakupov for Team Russia as opposed to being on the ice for the Edmonton Oilers. Every country competing had at least one player currently on an NHL roster, and not having those players, quite possibly would’ve led to a completely different result than what actually happened. Who knows, Canada may have actually won a medal!


No casual viewer of any sport wants to sit down for an entire 82-game season, as chances are they’ll be bored inside the first 20 games and not watch the season out. But, this season is a shortened season, maybe 50 games maximum, and the casual viewer may tune in for the first 20 or so games, but rather than being 60 left.. there’s only going to be 20 or so left, which could very well mean that the casual viewer may be more intrigued as divisions will be tighter, the playoffs will loom, players will be fresher, and hockey will thrive again. Even ESPN are dragging Barry Melrose out of cotton wool, and called it ‘the top story of the day’. When ESPN start caring about hockey, you know it’s getting serious.

There is just a sample of what having a lockout actually improved. The lockout wasn’t all bad, but now that’s it’s back, don’t ever leave again. Lockouts are bad bad things.



The NHL and the NHLPA have finally agreed to the framework of a new provisional 10-year Collective Bargaining Agreement, thus ending the negotiation at 113 days. Sure the I’s need dotting and the T’s need crossing, but we may just see a shortened NHL season which is something a lot of people did not expect.

The question remains though, what effect will these past 113 days have on the fanbase of hockey? Sure, it’ll stay strong in Canada, and in places like Detroit and Chicago, but what about the smaller markets like Phoenix? Like Nashville? Like Columbus? Only the future will tell..

As for the near future? Well… This becomes a reality.

P.S. Can we pleeeeeease re-sign Jamie Benn now? Please?


NHL Lockout Update: :(

So here we are awaiting a decision from the NHL and NHLPA… once again. I’m hoping for the best, but seriously… I am not convinced. Let’s hope I’m wrong. Will the NHL season be lost?

As both parties negotiate up to the last minute before the deadline… nothing seems to be for sure.

Tragically Hip? Canada? Hockey? Scared?

[youtube Tyd-MO0CPcI]

I wish I was more positive, but someone here had to say something. Frowny face. Can we please have the NHL back? Is that too much to ask?


I vented. Fix this. Fire Bettman and Fehr. Play hockey.

“You’re welcome.”


The All “MAN” Team: “What If?… Hockey.”

Just as the 2011-2012 NHL season had wrapped, Armchair MVP, G (and with some help from ThatDamnDoubleC) discussed the idea of assembling fantasy hockey teams. Now, these would not be “best players of all time,” types of fantasy booking. No, these would be based on a gimmick or combination of themes with a sense of comedy possibly mixed in for good fun.

It was well aware to us of the looming lock out of the 2012-2013 NHL season at the time this article was created during the summer. And since it came to fruition, the idea is a little more bizarre than originally intended.

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Tweets to the NHL and NHLPA

Yesterday morning on my way home from my “day job,” I decided to tweet to the NHL and NHLPA my thoughts on their current dispute as pertains to revenue sharing and whatnot.  I thought I’d share those tweets with you all here on Bored Hockey Fan.

Do I think these tweets will make any difference whatsoever in the outcome of this dispute? Of course not. But at least this year we fans have an outlet to tell the League and the Player’s Association what we think.


Welcome to!

We’ve been waiting for this day, and it’s finally here!  Welcome to!  While we here at BHF are very hopeful that the league and the players will get their issues resolved in a timely manner, our dear friend Al Creed has provided us with the best possible visual representation of how we feel at the moment.

Find Al’s 8-Bit graphics on his Tumblr!