General, PUCK YOU!

I Love All My Haters!

So from my last article i see not everyone likes the way i write.HA ! You’re still reading it so I’ve done my job. You think cause you bash me I’m gonna Quit? Hell no!! I’m gonna keep writing, keep writing about the Capitals, and whatever else will piss you off. The thing is you’ll keep reading all my posts, probably keep bashing me, BUT I don’t care. To all the true hockey fans and just love to hear a piece about hockey or any related topic, My thanks go out to you and thank you for being a mature adult about it.


Your non giving a puck writer,

Matt Mackey

Washington Capitals

Why The Capitals are Falling!

chimeraand ovie

Oh the Washington Capitals. If your a fan then these just arent troubling times, its that we know these times all so well. If you hate the Capitals, then you’re pretty much enjoying the 6 game loosing streak. The Capitals not only have a great coach but they have a great team. I will go through a few points as why I think the Capitals are going along theyre loosing ways. For once i wish that the capitals can get on top and stay on top. Now remember this is just my point of view. I’m not a professional writer, BUT i have the Washington Capitals inked all over my body. So if anything, I might know a little about them.



First, no one can blame the captain or the coaching staff. they have been doing everything to get this team on the right path. when Oates came into the picture he had a team who didn’t know which direction to go. Adam was able to get through to this team at least he did to Ovechkin. now if this was a couple seasons ago i would be blaming this on Ovie. Going for a second straight year in a row he has great hopes of capslogobeing #1 goal scorer at the end of the season. when we have needed him to step up, he has! I am more than proud to say our captain is the great 8! Ovie combined with Oates and the coaching staff have been able to solidify a great power play and great one timers from the great 8!



Second, our defense needs to provide more. Carlson and Green have been stepping it up and our rookie D’s are doing good, but we need better depth. They also need better communication. How many times have we lost leads cause our depth and defense wasn’t ready. We need to rely on defense and aggressive defense not offensive D. I think if we were to put some D on the trading block, it might light a fire under their butts! and to stop putting all the pressure under the rookies. Carrick and schmitt shouldn’t be taking all the heat. look at our vets who haven’t been doing anything. More blocked shots, aggressive playing, thats what we need from our Defense.



Third, We HAVE to do something about our goalie situation. i mean keeping 3 goalies on the roster is pointless. I personally think Holtby or Nievirth needs to go. I think Holtby has been way overrated, his GAA is crazy and he doesn’t even try, or at least in my eyes. I have never thought Nievy has ever been starting material. I just dont think he has it in him. If we dont fix our goalie situation, expect us to be watching the playoffs not in it. I think if we had a great vet starting goalie to help the rookies and newbies we would be alot better. i really also want to stop hearing HOLTBEAST, if he was a beast why are we doing so bad, think about it. I want another Kolzig goalie , one that shows pride in that caps jersey and trys his best every night. we have to get this problem fixed.


Last, WE NEED A NEW GM!!!!!!, Mcfee is nothing but a joke, he is the main reason the Capitals are doing so bad. I hope he sees how bad that trade for Erat went. I mean in the past 2 years hes cleared up soo much cap space, what the hell is he doing! you let Hendricks go, what right now we could use him with all these games going to a shootout. You see all these free agents and all these players on the trade block and yet you do nothing. yea lets just sit back and watch our team go down the drain. Thats his attitude. I really hope we can get a new GM soon, if not i really dont see much progress being made. He stands there and does nothing, absolutely nothing. Its a shame to us fans to have to go through it.



Again, these are my opinions, nothing more. No matter what I WILL always be a fan. but im not getting younger and I want us to get that cup. So whatever it is that we need to do, lets do it!!

The Kick Ass Hockey Show

The Kick Ass Hockey Show!

The “starter episode” of The Kick Ass Hockey Show, with your host Matt “Mayhem” Mackey!  In this episode, Matt takes a quick look around the NHL and gives us a preview of what to expect in future episodes.

The Kick Ass Hockey Show! Starter Episode (MP3, 12:45)

Washington Capitals


Selected first overall in the 2004 NHL entry draft, Alex Ovechkin has had alot to live up.Starting in the 05-06 season and ending it leading all NHL rookies in goals, points, power-play goals, and shots. He finished third overall in the NHL in scoring with 106 points and tied for third in goals with 52. His 425 shots led the league, set an NHL rookie record and was the fourth-highest total in NHL history. Ovie at first seemed like the Capitals savior earning a 13 year $124 million dollar contract at the end of 07-08. And in 09-10 the Caps won the presidential trophy. Then came the slump.

Starting the 2010-2011 season Ovie already looked like he was done early on. Starting caring more about the “rock-star life-style” then the points. Cared more about the social media then being a Captain with a voice. his numbers had gone down, the capitals trying to keep a playoff spot alive. Ovechkin wanted nothing with it. 2 years die hard caps fans had to deal with a captain who didn’t care. A captain who wouldnt skate for the puck, you would’ve thought we had two Semins,lol. You could tell that Alex just didnt care or at least never showed that he did.

Then came the lock-out, finally January of 2013 the lock-out was over and we had a shortened season. any true caps fan will tell you at first we were not excited to see Ovie. The season started for him like it did in the past few years slow, nothing happening. BUT, then Alex starting scoring the capitals going on win streaks, my thoughts were that new coach, Adam Oates, was the one who finally got through. He starting playing rw instead of lw, caps still lost in playoffs but at the end, Alex Ovechkin was a 3 time Rocket Richard trophy winner. Still some non believers, well now in the 2013-2014 season only in december Ovechkin is #1 in goals in the nhl surpassed a personal career milestone scoring 400 career goals. Ovie is finally showing the strength a real captain shows. with the Olympics coming in Ovie’s home i can say this, If Russia wins gold, dont be surprised if the Capitals get a cup shot!ovechkin-hot-stick