The UHF Tournament

The Ultimate Hockey Fighter Tournament – First Round

Welcome one and all. It is finally here, the beginning of the Ultimate Hockey Fighter Tournament. 32 of hockey’s best fighters square off in a single-elimination tournament to determine just who is the Ultimate Hockey Fighter.

Last week, Peter Worrell battled his way to victory over Paul Laus, via the tie-breaker.

This week, can the last of the wild cards make it a clean sweep of victories?

Mick Vukota
New York Islanders, Tampa Bay Lightning, Montreal Canadiens
6’2″ 215 lbs
5×20 NHL Fights in a season
6×15 NHL Fights in a season
185 NHl Fights 16.8 FPY

(WC) Joey Kocur
Detroit Red Wings, New York Rangers, Vancouver Canucks
6′ 220 lbs
4×20 NHL Fights in a season
5×15 NHL Fights in a season
217 NHL Fights 14.5 FPY

What happened when these two squared off:


Why you should vote for Mick Vukota:



Why you should vote for Joey Kocur:



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