Jay Feaster out… Joe Nieuwendyk in?

This is nothing more than a speculative editorial on what’s happening, and possibly happening, in Calgary… Alberta, Canada. Let’s be serious for a minute and briefly take a look at Nieuwendyk’s tenure as the GM of the Dallas Stars.

I realize ThatDamnDoubleC is a Dallas fan, and his his biases against Joe joining the Flames (if such is the case). And some of those extend to his history as a player, which is notwithstanding, nor a knock at my Stars’ fan pal. Oh, don’t forget he helped The Stars win their only Stanley Cup in franchise history, so he has that going for him as well. He also helped The Flames win THEIR only cup in franchise history, but I digress. But this isn’t a diatribe about his playing days, nor should he be judged as a potential GM for the Calgary Flames based on these facts as well.

So with today’s announcement by bed-head Brian Burke of the firing of Jay Feaster as the GM of The Calgary Flames, rumors are running wild (dude, brother, dude) that Joe is on his way back to Cowtown…

However, Nieuwendyk might have gotten some poor returns on Morrow, Modano and Roy, realistically the first two of those were well on their way out… and Roy, who knows what happened to that guy. It’s probably for the best they got rid of him.

Stop thinking about Jagr. I suspect he’ll be on a different team every season until he retires. I secretly think he is trying to collect as many jerseys as he can while getting paid to do so.

Losing James Neal was a tough pill to swallow. Dirty player or not. Of course playing with the Pens does pad one’s stats just a wee bit. Alex Goligoski has done a fairly decent job as a puck-moving defenceman, and quite frankly, that’s something every single team in the NHL is always looking for.

I’m sure a Dallas fan does not lament the acquisitions of Kari Lehtonen, Cody Eakin and Brenden Dillon.

And one must consider he inherited a team that had pretty much nothing in developmental outside of Jamie Benn, Richard Bachman and Philip Larsen, and then had his budget dramatically slashed by ownership. And currently, under Joe’s guidance,

So if Mr. Nieuwendyk does become Brian Burke’s new whipping boy, I don’t think his situation will be too terrible. The Flames have some potential in goalie development. They have a few assets they can still move. They also have some rookies in the cupboard. While it will be a semi-similar situation to what he inherited in Dallas, he will have one very important thing available to him he did not have in Texas. Money to spend.

I mean, seriously. Dallas is no traditional hockey market. Hell, even so-called “traditional” hockey markets in Canada are having budget issues too (I’m looking at you Ottawa). GO COWBOYS!… err… STARS!

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