Arkham Arena?

This Saturday night, the fate of the 2012 – 2013 NHL season will be determined… at least the start of it. Call me a Joker for not posting this on Cat(woman)urday, but let’s Two-Face it… even though it’s Friday, we all know the Bane of this weekend will be whether the Riddle(r)’s solution will become apparent during the 11th hour. Have a good weekend! Let’s hope my bad punditry is outweighed by the animated gif below.

(Special thanks to resident BHF contributor, Stove Coleman, for inspiring this. When reached for comment, Coleman noted, “Funny how he rigged the draft for the Penguin. Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer. […] Both the NHL/PA Robin’ us of a season! I’ve got more, but they’re getting worse.”).

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