The Ultimate Hockey Fighter Tournament – Semi Finals

Four Fighters. Three Matches. Two Finalists. One Ultimate Hockey Fighter.

Last week saw Rob Ray be the first finalist after defeating Stu Grimson.

This week, his opponent in the final will be decided!

Bob Probert
Detroit Red Wings, Chicago Blackhawks
6’3″ 225 lbs
3×20 NHL Fights in a season
11×15 NHL Fights in a season
240 NHL Fights 15 FPY

Tie Domi
Toronto Maple Leafs, New York Rangers, Winnipeg Jets, Toronto Maple Leafs
5’10″ 207 lbs
6×20 NHL Fights in a season
11×15 NHL Fights in a season
278 NHL Fights 17.4 FPY

What happened when these two squared off:


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