Connor McDavid Goes to Edmonton.


Connor McDavid will be an Edmonton Oiler. Unless some crazy Eric Lindros trade goes down, it’s a lock. Don’t kid yourselves people. As an Oilers’ fan, I was pretty surprised by this. I expected some kind of conspiracy as such sending said player to Toronto, or even Philadelphia, to go down. We’re looking at an approximate 10% chance to a team that has had a plethora of first round number one picks already.

The NHL has been pretty adamant about transparency lately, and we got that tonight. My social media blew up tonight as many people took to it to tag me and let me know their disgust with this turn of events.

That’s cool. I’m reveling in this outcome. No one wants to see Connor in some irrelevant market. No one will see him as a result. If this kid is as special as we’ve been told, bring him to a popular market. I don’t mean an non-Canadian market, the US has plenty of good spots for the kid. Let’s put him somewhere where people attend games. Places where buying a play-off ticket isn’t easy… you also have to enter a lottery to have the opportunity to watch him play.

I know the Oilers track record has sucked lately. It’s been brutal. I hate the management. I hate the old-boys club. I hope that changes too.

But what I really hope for, is for this kid to thrive and become what we expect him to be. Regardless of the fact that he will be landing on my team next season, if he is indeed a generational player, let’s put him on the main stage.

In all fairness, I would have been completely okay if he landed in Toronto or Buffalo. They love hockey there and would have shown up just to watch them play, even if they continued to suck. Great players are just simply one player on the roster at the end of the day.

Remember all those cups in L.A. and St. Louis with “The Great One”?

The Oilers won their last cup without Gretzky, after all.

Until then, let’s just enjoy the playoffs this year. This post-season has been excellent, and should prove to be going forward. It’s easy to take the cheap road and impulsively go on social media and outrage!!!! OUTRAGE!!!!

In all fairness, my real friends have been fun and tongue-and-cheek with myself. It’s been amusing. I’m as shocked as you. But as a deprived Oilers fan, hell yeah… we’ll take him. Unless some bizarre Lindros trade goes down, he’s an Oiler. Deal with it. And consider this… people will see him play.

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